
A Hodgepodge Reward of Music

Locally you tend to see some band mixing on the stages when they share shows. However, it usually is to tracks those bands already perform.  What if you took twenty five members of twenty five local bands, put them into a lottery to make five bands, and had them write and perform three songs plus a cover? You get what Steve, of Psyko Steve Presents, has put together in its fourth year, the Phoenix Rock Lottery. This awesome blend of local talent, music, and genre comes together for a fun…

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A Little More Than Four Simple Words

Money, it is usually the enabler to see some of the touring musicians when they come to town. Money would somehow be what kept me from discovering Frank Turner until the release of Tape Deck Heart and not seeing him live for the first time until 2014. I had just discovered the awesome band, Larry and his Flask, at Warped Tour a little prior to the show at Crescent Ballroom so I should have been there in 2012. Though going back to school for a second degree, living off of…

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Good Transitions and Punk Rock

Open up your writing with an attention getter. That’s the normal writing structure expressed to us through the public education system. Make it relevant to what you’re going to write about in the next couple paragraphs. Hit on the topics you are going to discuss in this paragraph. This is usually the hardest part to jump start. Now that I got that out of the way, the show last night was another great mix of talents gracing the stage over at the Rebel Lounge. Up first was the Emo band,…

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Four For the Price of Two

Sometimes all you need is two bands on the bill that you want to see. In most of my show going experience, you can tend to bank on a good line up if you like two bands on the bill. I, however, have never gone to a show completely blind, as in not listening to a recorded song of a band or word of mouth. While that sounds like a fun experience for a future write up, tonight’s package of all four bands was fantastic. It opened up with the…

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The OKC of Punk

It is rare an illness keeps me out of going to see music. Having a cold didn’t keep me from seeing Beck last year. However, when it includes a triple digit fever the body says different things on how long you’re going to make it on your feet. Getting that behind me was a blessing, and out to see the three bands tonight was one of the best things I’ve done in five days. However, before I even get to the first band of the show, let me first say…

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The New Class of Punks

Tonight was a night that I got to check in on how some of the younger music talent is killing it in the local scene. I could put each one of the bands into a different punk rock genre giving a good mix of sounds. They had a solid turnout of the under twenty ones moshing and moving around most of the night. These kids have passion and energy for music, and I love it. Right off the bat, I was catching Sunlaand who I had unfortunately missed the night…

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The Darts! Snakes! A Birthday!

This was one of those nights with a few music options, but I was looking forward to seeing The Darts in full form. I discovered them through Rikki Styx’s, of the Two Tens and Darts, post on her Instagram. I’d seen the Love Me Nots and Two Tens a couple times just last year, so it seemed a great pairing of music talents. Let’s not forget I had the Two Tens’ last full LP on my favorites of 2016 national list and the Darts’ first EP on the local list.…

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Some Kind of Nightmare on Friday the 13th

Tonight was another gathering of good friends for music, though this time it was some we don’t see as often. Some Kind of Nightmare has been awesome enough to be coming to Phoenix to play shows and make a lot of great friends in the process. During this time Molly faced one of the biggest challenges of her life, breast cancer.  Not only did she beat it, her and her husband plus bandmate, Chy, kept doing what they love playing and writing music. They are two of the strongest people…

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Not So Aggro

The Aggrolites have a sound that took a little more for me to warm up to a few years ago. They are a ska band with the more traditional, older rocksteady sound. For whatever reason, I initially did not get into them. The first time I took a hard look at their music was when I saw Jesse Wagner play with Vic, from an all-time favorite ska band the Slackers, at a Punk Rock Bowling pool party. The duo was amazing and left me questioning why I hadn’t listened to…

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Creepy Birthday To You

Stealing a little lyric from the “Theme from a NOFX Album” and slightly modifying it, Creepy Don is not really so creepy. This was the night to celebrate his birthday though in the most appropriate way, a punk show. The line-up included his band, We Might Be Wasted, amongst a great packet of musicians. Although, Nick, from Jack the Cat, jested that his taste in music hasn’t got better with age if Jack the Cat is playing. On that note, Jack the Cat kicked off the show. I don’t know…

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