Photo Gallery 

A Sunday Night with Anti-Flag and We Are The Union

Since my long haul Covid has continued to keep me struggling with chronic fatigue, I started to set positive goals. Positive motivations for things I will do once this symptom is finally gone. However, this symptom has kept going and talking to my doctor we cannot pinpoint when exactly it will end. Despite that, time progressed toward one of those goals. That goal from the tour announcement was to get out to Anti-Flag with We Are the Union and Doll Skin and hopefully get to photograph it too. In that…

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Concerts Photo Gallery 

A Zona Night with AJJ and Veronica Everheart

They say the universe works in mysterious ways. If you’ve been following me, I’m on a now five-month journey of experiencing long Covid and chronic fatigue. So, about a month ago I received an email about doing possible photos for this show and responded if I felt better, I might be able to at this Zona Nights show. Zona Nights the name for club shows playing around the inaugural Zona Music Fest. I am not exactly feeling better, but last week I received an email saying I’m approved. I thought…

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Concerts Photo Gallery 

The Menzingers At A Sold Out Crescent

There is never a set time or age to self-reflect. You can do it at any time when you are collecting your thoughts. To think back on things that have come and adventures that have been. This was especially present in the past two years with the idle time of concerts and activities. Another place that it occurred was when The Menzingers released After the Party, reflecting on their twenties from their thirties. It was an album that hit perfectly for me being in that similar spot and age range…

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Concerts Photo Gallery 

Jeff Rosenstock And Friends At The Crescent Ballroom

There are artists that just invoke positivity. Not only in their performance, but in their day to day interactions and fans they inspire. You find the crowds in front of them are as supporting and happy as the artist they came to watch. Jeff Rosenstock is that kind of musician, regardless of the negative reflection of the world, albeit true, in his lyrics themselves. So throw in vaccination only requirements, to make people feel safe coming out, and the band themselves bringing Slaughter Beach, Dog and Oceanator with them to…

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Concerts Photo Gallery 

Beach Bunny Back In Town

2020 and part of 2021 gave a lot of time to discover new music you didn’t listen to. Whether it was through the popular livestreams or just randomly going down a “You May Also Like” path, there was more time to dig deeper in. I did just that with one of the prominent ones I found being Beach Bunny. There were, and still are, points I just have them on loop. So when things started coming back and they announced their tour will coming through Phoenix, I was immediately tried…

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A Swagger Their Own

There are bands that you think the world of when you hear them. You want to catch them live anytime you can. Then, something happens and they disappear. Sometimes that is it, but in others they continue on. The latter is the case with Harper and the Moths, who since their last album release have had a little turnover in their ranks. The changes and break only further makes it wonderful they are back, with new music and bolstered by a strong set of bands on their album release night.…

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Nothing Like It

Sometimes it is the small shows that pack the biggest wallop. Where there are only two bands, yet it feels like you watched a bigger concert. There were slightly contrasting energy of the music performed, but both Narrow Head and Fucked Up made it a show to remember. Our openers were guys from Texas called Narrow Head. These guys gave me more of a grunge rock and Nirvana vibe. It was in part due to a lot of their songs had a slower pace with drawn out chords underneath. It…

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Masters of Melodic Punk

There are lineups you just look at and can tell will be amazing. A couple bands on the bill stand out and above a lot of their respective genre. In the case of this night at the Crescent Ballroom, it was just that. The tour paired the talented musicians of both Red City Radio and Lawrence Arms, alongside the fantastic discovery for me in Sincere Engineer opening it up. Sincere Engineer is the one person, acoustic act of Deanna. From the beginning she was entertained not just by performing these…

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Moving Music

When I entered Friday, I already knew there was a tussle for where I should go watch music. However, when I got the email back that I could take pictures of Skinny Lister and Will Varley, I knew my starting point. These are two bands I fell in love watching when introduced to me through two separate Frank Turner tours. A week prior finding out our local Cockswain had been added as openers and I knew that show was going to deliver. Of course, Valley Bar shows start pretty early…

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I Still Love You

If punk is my number one love in music, then Ska is a close number two. Punk was my gateway to it, discovering it when Craven Moorehead would play the Ska Punk Show song mix weekly on the FM airwaves. Started with Less than Jake and wondering what these horns are doing in there making it a little more danceable. I went down that rabbit hole and years later find me in love with the genre. That includes the Slackers being one of my top loves within it. The lineup…

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