
The Zero Crew

Last month I got invited to not only watch Authority Zero from backstage, but also got a photo pass for some great shots you can find in my full write up of the show here. The other amazing part of it was the guys in Authority Zero were kind enough to sit down to answer some questions for me. I got to find out how the guys met to talking about the upcoming album. They are adamantly excited about it, plus make me super envious of not visiting Japan yet.…

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The Night of Awesome Band Names

Two people can make up a great band. I’ve had this discussion time to time since discovering both the Two Tens and In the Whale in the past two years. While it doesn’t tend to include a bassist, these bands have an energy and garage punk sound that is enthralling. Entering the night, I was actually most excited to catch the Two Tens again. Plus this would be my first time seeing the Dollyrots. What I didn’t expect was the excellent surprise with Shovel opening up. I haven’t listened to…

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I will admit at the top that my experience and knowledge of hip hop isn’t that strong. This includes dating back to early nineties hip hop, where the extent is a little of Wu-Tang and having listened to a bunch of Beastie Boys. It was more that I couldn’t relate to it. Enter the Nerdcore genre, where these were lyrics and topics that bring out things I’m familiar with. For an example of how engrained into some of the nerdcore topics I am, my left arm includes two video game…

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What is a Genre?

I have had two discussions on what real Emo music is, and both times have been at Rebel Lounge this year. They have also occurred when I was catching a band or musician in a band that is Emo appropriately. While appropriate to describe Owen, and Mike Kinsella, I will stick to my guns that our two openers are not in that category. However, all of the music tonight was great. It kicked off with Celebration Guns, who I so far have lived up to my word to see more…

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Indeed, Viva PHX

I’ve been going to Viva PHX since it started. I think it is hands down, the best music festival that is put on in the Phoenix area all four years. The price proposition to the amazing amount of great music in about twenty places certainly contributes to it. That is in addition to that I love it more due to the atmosphere of music around downtown Phoenix. Viva PHX is the hearing music bouncing through alleys and off buildings walking through downtown Phoenix. This year was no different, just bouncing…

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The Celts From Down Under

I love it when I get to throw a band in front of everyone on here that I’ve been aiming for more attention for a while. Tonight was a shorter show with just two bands. Although after getting up earlier for a Dentist appointment, my body was perfectly fine with a shorter night. This show brought us the Rumjacks all the way from Australia, plus our local band of energy, Cockswain. First, this is where I embarrass my drunken judgement skills with a fun St. Patty’s Day story seeing Cockswain.…

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A Return to the Trunk Space

There are some people in the Phoenix music scene that have had amazing impacts on it. One of those people is Ryan Avery, who I think in the mind of most people, he is a person that it is hard not to associate the Trunk Space with. He was one of the hardest working performers for the past couple Indie 500 events, performing in multiple bands of his creation. So when Ryan said he and his wife were moving to L.A. about a year ago, it was a blow to…

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Theatrics and Fun Times Ahead

I’m of two minds of set times being posted. First, and probably more unique to myself and a few others, having set times posted can help me figure out on busy nights like tonight a plan of attack to hit the music I want to see. However, I’m on the other mind where I’ve been at a show early with an amazing local band, and no one is there. This happens more often than I like to see, and if there is only a start time you get a couple…

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Don’t Question Your Desire

There is a lot great music in Phoenix. There are a lot of great venues with music in Phoenix. Busy nights of music like tonight bring out the math, because then I’m stuck trying to figure out where to go and hope not to upset anyone I miss. This website has amplified how I want to try to get everyone covered, and I still want to watch some of my favorites. It makes for tough decisions, but no matter the choice, I always catch some amazing music. For example, tonight…

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Value Every Day

Always appreciate the time you are given and every day you get to enjoy life. The Steady 45s on their way into Phoenix unfortunately had an incident with a drunk driver, who rear ended their trailer into their van at around one hundred miles per hour. Luckily no one hurt, but unfortunately their trailer was taken down completely with their equipment. So at the top of this, if you have a little to spare head over to the GoFundMe set up to help them as they are only a couple…

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