Concerts Editorial 

Long Covid at Two Years

I had hoped I would not be writing about this again after another year, but here we are reaching the two-year mark of my long Covid symptoms starting. Three days after that in 2022, I would be reading the positive Covid lab test through CVS and Sonora Quest. I never expected two of the symptoms, chronic fatigue and brain fog, would continue to be ongoing at this point. Since last year’s reflection on the first year of my Long Covid, there have been a lot of doctor appointments, tests and…

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Artist Spotlight Concerts Editorial 

Favorite Musician Discoveries of 2020

The understatement for a lot of us is that the year 2020 has been mostly downs with a couple ups. I’m here to help improve that with awesome artists I have discovered through the year. A couple of the musicians on the list were before quarantining and lockdowns, but they count in my book. Majority I found through the past eight months of livestreams and streamed concerts. I know for many of you, it is a lukewarm prospect to go watch these streams while you miss the live experience. However,…

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Editorial News 

5 Years of Every Show Joe

This date marks five years since I adopted a nickname born out of how frequently people saw me at the same shows. You can see the date of the name adoption, as of the time of this writing, by looking under Page Transparency on the Every Show Joe Facebook page. You will see the page started as “Homemade Shaker Joe,” a nickname given to me by Craven Moorehead, and changed on December 17th, 2014 to “Every Show Joe.” If curious about “Homemade Shaker Joe,” next time I see you please…

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Editorial News 

Best of 2018 – Local LP’s

Now we come to the second of two lists, from listening to over 50 local releases. I posted up my 10 favorite local EP’s from that list, and now comes my top 10 favorite full length albums from the Phoenix music scene. 10. Off the Mark – Aging Disgracefully This is another older band making a return, however I had not listened to last they were active. Their first track screams album anthem with the alternating guitar tones to begin. It leads into quality sung and played tracks. The album…

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Editorial News 

Best of 2018 – Local EP’s

There were so many albums that I listened to in 2018 that I broke them out into two lists for the Locals. On this one you will find my top ten favorite EP’s that Phoenix local bands put out over the course of the year 10. FoL – Therapy Probably was not a surprise to find FoL on this list once again. They only build on the quality of that last album with this one. Seven more great tracks to get stuck in your head. My only sour grapes about…

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EveryShowJoe’s Top 10 Influential Albums On His Life!

This idea came about as an exercise floating around the Facebook news feeds. The question was, what was the ten most influential albums on your life? For me, this was a chance go reminisce. To dig and research a little, correcting a little of my memories on what I heard before what. It brought out a couple of many stories I seem to have around my music experiences. Plus this will give you some insights into how my music tastes formed to where they sit today. So in not any…

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Goodbye My Friend…

It took me a little bit to find a way to put things out to words. I found there was no way I would make it through typing it out on my phone. I had to write it out this way. To be woken up to a message that I have lost one of my favorite people in our Phoenix punk scene was not how I expected my Sunday to start. Alas, we have lost Billie Russell, known to most here from the band Contradiktion. I sought out the earliest…

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