5 Years of Every Show Joe
This date marks five years since I adopted a nickname born out of how frequently people saw me at the same shows. You can see the date of the name adoption, as of the time of this writing, by looking under Page Transparency on the Every Show Joe Facebook page. You will see the page started as “Homemade Shaker Joe,” a nickname given to me by Craven Moorehead, and changed on December 17th, 2014 to “Every Show Joe.” If curious about “Homemade Shaker Joe,” next time I see you please ask and I’ll tell you the tale. Though a related Easter Egg in my weekly Every Show Joe Says Go! videos would be you can see the homemade shaker over my right shoulder. As for the nickname “Every Show Joe,” it was decided on after an informal poll of nicknames people refer to me as taken on the Facebook page on December 6th, 2014.

In the past five years, it has been more than just phone upgrades every two years for better Instagram shots. I’ve launched the EveryShowJoe.com website over three years ago, I’ve purchased true camera equipment two and a half years ago, and now there are now two running video shows on my YouTube and Twitch with an audio podcast version in tow. I’m always looking to expand on the ways I can promote the music and musicians I love. Currently, there are no plans to stay idle anytime soon with only time and money the restrictions.
I just want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for all your support of this somehow one man operation. While it stands a solo operation of mine, it would not have reached as far as it has so far without the amount of support the musician and music fan friends have given me since I started this adventure in 2011. That includes those outside of Phoenix, as I have learned in the past two years that people I call friends and readers of this span past state lines nowadays. Let’s cross our fingers I can keep this growing and expanding to reach another five years. Regardless, thank you everyone for making it wonderful!