
Therapy For the Speed Bumps

Life likes to challenge your ability to do what you love. The ones you stick with through the hard parts are the things you tend to care for the most. I suppose that is part of the challenge. Life wants to tell you that the only way to survive is paying the bills and doing the job to that end. I ask where the fun in that is. What fun would life be if you were to be part of the status quo? If you only have one life to…

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Bring An Open Mind

Always keep an open mind, as it will bring with it awesome things you would have never experienced. Tonight was a case of that, with a lot of people telling me how amazing A.F.I. can be live and that I must see them at least once. Like probably a lot of punk fans I know, I haven’t purchased an album from them since Sing the Sorrows. However, watching them perform tonight showed me what amazing musicians they are, including some of the newer stuff I was just hearing for the…

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